James Bradburne about Drebbel

Post date: 11-Mar-2013 16:36:43

Dr. James Bradburne, Director General of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi and excellent connoisseur of Drebbel's time, gave us the permission to refer to two excellent publications of his hand.

LOCAL HEROS – MEMORY IN ACTION IN THE LATE RENAISSANCE GARDEN  gives a clear picture of the state of affairs in Drebbel's time. On the basis of the dissemination and implementation of the works of Hero of Alexandria in Renaisssance gardens, he illustrates the role and importance of pneumatic and hydraulic machines (fountains, water organs, perpetuum mobile, ...). While the makers themselves were undoubtedly aware of the physical background of their creations, these appeared to the spectators as supernatural miracles. Therefore, at that time the engineers, the doers, as Drebbel and De Caus, were more important than scriptures and they were highly regarded by kings and kingdoms.

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Hortus Palatinus, Heidelberg

Going through the motions gives an excellent overview of what we know about Drebbel's Perpetuum Mobile. The article includes resources and references relating to the background of the PM, what it was and how it worked. It accounts for the number of copies in circulation, and why it drew so much attention to the Renaissance courts.

Due to their relevance to outstanding questions about Drebbel and his inventions, we have given these documents a place under the topic "Questions ...".