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Matches 3801 to 4000 of 8952 » Comma-delimited CSV file
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# | Last Name | First Name | Number |
3801 | Lathouwers | Henricus | 3 |
3802 | Lathouwers | Hermanus | 3 |
3803 | Lathouwers | Joanna | 3 |
3804 | Lathouwers | Ludovicus | 3 |
3805 | Lathouwers | margaretha | 3 |
3806 | Lathouwers | Michael | 3 |
3807 | Laurens | Anna Catharina | 3 |
3808 | Laurens | Bruno | 3 |
3809 | Laurens | Corneille Cornelius | 3 |
3810 | Laurens | Franciscus Henricus | 3 |
3811 | Laurens | Isabella | 3 |
3812 | Laurens | Joanna Cornelia | 3 |
3813 | Laurens | Joannes | 3 |
3814 | Laurens | Joannes Baptista | 3 |
3815 | Laurens | Petrus Cornelius | 3 |
3816 | Laurens | Petrus Josephus | 3 |
3817 | Laurens | Pierre | 3 |
3818 | Laurent | Armand | 3 |
3819 | Laurent | Maurice | 3 |
3820 | Laurent | Michel | 3 |
3821 | Laurent | Valérie Nathalie | 3 |
3822 | Laureys | André | 3 |
3823 | Laureys | Renée | 3 |
3824 | Laureys | Simonne | 3 |
3825 | Laureys | Stephane | 3 |
3826 | Lauwagie | Abraham | 3 |
3827 | Lauwagie | Andreas Henricus | 3 |
3828 | Lauwagie | Anna Theresia | 3 |
3829 | Lauwagie | Antonius Josephus | 3 |
3830 | Lauwagie | Balthasar Franciscus Xaverius | 3 |
3831 | Lauwagie | Benediktus Joannes Laurentius | 3 |
3832 | Lauwagie | Carolus Ludovicus | 3 |
3833 | Lauwagie | Catharina Josepha | 3 |
3834 | Lauwagie | Charles Joseph | 3 |
3835 | Lauwagie | Charles Ludovicus | 3 |
3836 | Lauwagie | Emilia Francisca | 3 |
3837 | Lauwagie | Ferdinandus | 3 |
3838 | Lauwagie | Ferdinandus Jacobus | 3 |
3839 | Lauwagie | Francisca | 3 |
3840 | Lauwagie | Franciscus Xaverius | 3 |
3841 | Lauwagie | Fredericus Cornelius | 3 |
3842 | Lauwagie | Isabella Joanna Clara | 3 |
3843 | Lauwagie | Jacobus Carolus | 3 |
3844 | Lauwagie | Jacobus Judocus Benedictus | 3 |
3845 | Lauwagie | Joanna Godeliva | 3 |
3846 | Lauwagie | Joannes | 3 |
3847 | Lauwagie | Johannes Baptiste | 3 |
3848 | Lauwagie | Josephus | 3 |
3849 | Lauwagie | Lucas | 3 |
3850 | Lauwagie | Ludovicus Joannes | 3 |
3851 | Lauwagie | Maria Catharina | 3 |
3852 | Lauwagie | Maria Cecilia Cecilia | 3 |
3853 | Lauwagie | Maria Francisca | 3 |
3854 | Lauwagie | Maria Godelieve | 3 |
3855 | Lauwagie | Maria Magdalena | 3 |
3856 | Lauwagie | Marianna Sophia | 3 |
3857 | Lauwagie | Petronella Joanna | 3 |
3858 | Lauwagie | Petrus Joannes | 3 |
3859 | Lauwagie | Philippe Jacobus | 3 |
3860 | Lauwagie | Rosalia Constantia | 3 |
3861 | Lauwagie | Sophia Petronella | 3 |
3862 | Lauwagie | Suzanna | 3 |
3863 | Lauwagie | Suzanna Cecilia | 3 |
3864 | Lauwagie | Suzanne | 3 |
3865 | Lauwagie | Victoria | 3 |
3866 | Lauwagie | Victoria Genoiveva | 3 |
3867 | Lauwagie | Victoria Jacoba | 3 |
3868 | Lauwereysens | Anna Cornelia | 3 |
3869 | Lauwers | Anna Cornelia | 3 |
3870 | Lauwers | Elisabeth | 3 |
3871 | Lauwers | Henri Victor | 3 |
3872 | Lauwers | Isabella | 3 |
3873 | Lauwers | Josephus Franciscus | 3 |
3874 | Lauwers | Madeleine | 3 |
3875 | Lauwers | Marie Louisa | 3 |
3876 | Lauwers | Nn | 3 |
3877 | Lauwers | Petrus Joannes | 3 |
3878 | Lawaisse | Brigetta | 3 |
3879 | Lawaisse | Carolus Philippus | 3 |
3880 | Le Beque | Jehanne | 3 |
3881 | Le Boulengé | Thérèse Ernestine Elise | 3 |
3882 | le Cocq | Antoinette | 3 |
3883 | le Petit | Maria | 3 |
3884 | Le Petit | Nicasius | 3 |
3885 | Le Rutte | Jean Marie Charles Edouard | 3 |
3886 | Le Vaillant | Henrietta Louisa Margaretha | 3 |
3887 | Leblancq | Jean- Baptiste | 3 |
3888 | Leboey | Jozef | 3 |
3889 | Leboey | Maria Elisabeth | 3 |
3890 | Leboey | Petrus | 3 |
3891 | Leclere | Marie Joseph | 3 |
3892 | Leclerq | Adrien | 3 |
3893 | Leclerq | Jean | 3 |
3894 | Leclerq | Yolande | 3 |
3895 | Lecluyse | Joanna | 3 |
3896 | Lecot | Anna Cecilia Catharina | 3 |
3897 | Ledeboer | Adia Orrie | 3 |
3898 | Ledeboer | Adriana Maria Magthilda | 3 |
3899 | Leemans | Guilielmus Ludovicus | 3 |
3900 | Leemans | Isabella | 3 |
3901 | Leemans | Josephus | 3 |
3902 | Leemans | Maria Magdalena | 3 |
3903 | Leembruggen | Cornelia | 3 |
3904 | Leembruggen | Gerard | 3 |
3905 | Leembruggen | Johanna Cecilia Elisabeth | 3 |
3906 | Lefrancq | Myriam | 3 |
3907 | Lejaegere | Adrianus | 3 |
3908 | Lejaegere | Maria Jacoba | 3 |
3909 | Lelij | Dirk | 3 |
3910 | Lely | Sara Helena | 3 |
3911 | Lemahieu | Alix | 3 |
3912 | Lemahieu | Gustaf | 3 |
3913 | Lemahieu | Jaak | 3 |
3914 | Lemahieu | Petrus Constantinus | 3 |
3915 | Lemahieu | Remi(gius) | 3 |
3916 | Lemmens | Joannes | 3 |
3917 | Lemmens | Maria | 3 |
3918 | Lemmens | Sally | 3 |
3919 | Lenaerts | Catharina | 3 |
3920 | Lenaerts | Margarita | 3 |
3921 | Lenaerts | Petrus | 3 |
3922 | Lenglart | Pierre Louis Clement Augustin | 3 |
3923 | Lenting | Arnoldina Adriana | 3 |
3924 | Lenting | Lambertus Eduard | 3 |
3925 | Lepley | Grace Frances | 3 |
3926 | Leroy | Jo | 3 |
3927 | Lesire | Alfons | 3 |
3928 | Lesire | Aloysius | 3 |
3929 | lesire | Antoinette | 3 |
3930 | Lesire | Appolina | 3 |
3931 | Lesire | Augustus | 3 |
3932 | Lesire | Bernardus | 3 |
3933 | Lesire | Bert | 3 |
3934 | Lesire | Carolus | 3 |
3935 | Lesire | Christine | 3 |
3936 | lesire | Clementine Romaine | 3 |
3937 | lesire | Clothilde | 3 |
3938 | Lesire | Denise | 3 |
3939 | lesire | Dominique | 3 |
3940 | Lesire | Eduardus | 3 |
3941 | Lesire | Eline | 3 |
3942 | LESIRE | Éloy Joseph | 3 |
3943 | Lesire | Félicité | 3 |
3944 | Lesire | Florentina | 3 |
3945 | Lesire | Françoise | 3 |
3946 | lesire | Ghislain | 3 |
3947 | Lesire | Hortensia | 3 |
3948 | LESIRE | Jean Éloi | 3 |
3949 | lesire | Jean Eloy | 3 |
3950 | Lesire | Jean Joseph | 3 |
3951 | Lesire | Jean Louis | 3 |
3952 | Lesire | Jozef | 3 |
3953 | Lesire | Liesbeth | 3 |
3954 | Lesire | Louis | 3 |
3955 | lesire | Luc | 3 |
3956 | Lesire | Luc Gérard Philomène | 3 |
3957 | Lesire | Ludovicus | 3 |
3958 | lesire | Marie Ernestine | 3 |
3959 | LESIRE | Nicolas | 3 |
3960 | Lesire | Nicole Madeleine Jozefa | 3 |
3961 | Lesire | Petrus Françiscus | 3 |
3962 | Lesire | Petrus Joanes | 3 |
3963 | Lesire | Petrus Joseph | 3 |
3964 | Lesire | Philippe Julien Théophile | 3 |
3965 | Lesire | Pierre | 3 |
3966 | lesire | Pierre Joseph | 3 |
3967 | Lesire | Polydoor Jozef | 3 |
3968 | Lesire | Polydore Florent | 3 |
3969 | lesire | Theophile | 3 |
3970 | Lesire | Thérése | 3 |
3971 | Lewage | Andrieu | 3 |
3972 | Lewage | Jacques | 3 |
3973 | Lewage | Jehan | 3 |
3974 | Lewage | Mahieu | 3 |
3975 | Lewage | Maroie | 3 |
3976 | Lewage | Maroie Marie | 3 |
3977 | Lewage | Pierechon | 3 |
3978 | Lewage | Pollet | 3 |
3979 | Lewage | Unknown | 3 |
3980 | Lewe van Middelstum | Margaretha Bouwina | 3 |
3981 | Leyn | Maria Jacoba | 3 |
3982 | Liagre | Agnes | 3 |
3983 | Liagre | Marie- Francoise | 3 |
3984 | Liagre | Octavien Maximilien | 3 |
3985 | Liagre | Pierre | 3 |
3986 | Liagre | Pieter Francis Joseph | 3 |
3987 | Libbrecht | Auguste Louis | 3 |
3988 | Libbrecht | Emma Maria | 3 |
3989 | Liegeois | Goedele | 3 |
3990 | Lieuwes van Juckama | Froukje Lieuwes | 3 |
3991 | Lievens | Anna Maria | 3 |
3992 | Lievens | Anthonis Pieter Jan | 3 |
3993 | Lievens | Catharina | 3 |
3994 | Lievens | Jan | 3 |
3995 | Lievens | Margrieta | 3 |
3996 | Ligtvoet | Victorine Amalia | 3 |
3997 | Lijster | Margaretha | 3 |
3998 | Limacher | Antonie | 3 |
3999 | Linnington | Hannah | 3 |
4000 | Lobry | Maria Sophia | 3 |
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