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# | Last Name | First Name | Number |
3601 | Kaakebeen | Christina Paulina | 3 |
3602 | Kakebeeke | Adriaan Jacobsz | 3 |
3603 | Kakebeeke | Adriaan Jansz | 3 |
3604 | Kakebeeke | Adriaan Matttijsse | 3 |
3605 | Kakebeeke | Christina | 3 |
3606 | Kakebeeke | Clara Cornelia | 3 |
3607 | Kakebeeke | Cornelia | 3 |
3608 | Kakebeeke | Gerardus Hendrikus | 3 |
3609 | Kakebeeke | Jacob | 3 |
3610 | Kakebeeke | Jacob Marinus | 3 |
3611 | Kakebeeke | Jacoba | 3 |
3612 | Kakebeeke | Jacobus Pieter | 3 |
3613 | Kakebeeke | Jakomina | 3 |
3614 | Kakebeeke | Johanna Isabella | 3 |
3615 | Kakebeeke | Maria Jacoba | 3 |
3616 | Kakebeeke | Mathijs | 3 |
3617 | Kakebeeke | Matthijs Adriaanse | 3 |
3618 | Kakebeeke | Quirinus Cornelis Peman | 3 |
3619 | Kakebeeke | Willem Johannes | 3 |
3620 | Kakebeeke | Willem Lodewijk | 3 |
3621 | Kalff | Anna Wilhelmina Victoria Augusta | 3 |
3622 | Kalff | Joannes Henricks Albertús Anthoniús | 3 |
3623 | Kalff | Romelia Abramina | 3 |
3624 | Kamp | W. | 3 |
3625 | Kampstra | Anna | 3 |
3626 | Kappers | Maria | 3 |
3627 | Kas | Dirkje Lieuwes | 3 |
3628 | Kattenolle | H. | 3 |
3629 | Keetelaar | Digna Cornelia | 3 |
3630 | Keetlaer | Adriana | 3 |
3631 | Keetlaer | Catharina Maria | 3 |
3632 | Keetlaer | Cornelis | 3 |
3633 | Keetlaer | Francois Nicolaas | 3 |
3634 | Keetlaer | Gilles Clement | 3 |
3635 | Keetlaer | Maria Johanna | 3 |
3636 | Keijl | Hendrik Jean | 3 |
3637 | Kelders | Anna | 3 |
3638 | Keller | Adriana Cornelia | 3 |
3639 | Keller | Frans | 3 |
3640 | Kelly | Caleb Guyer | 3 |
3641 | Kemp | Jan | 3 |
3642 | Kemper | Joan Melchior | 3 |
3643 | Kempers | Karel Philippus | 3 |
3644 | Kenis | Franciscus | 3 |
3645 | Kenis | Joanna Catharina | 3 |
3646 | Kennis | Maria Elisabeth | 3 |
3647 | Keppel | Catharina Helena | 3 |
3648 | Keppel | Hendrick | 3 |
3649 | Keppel | Hendrik | 3 |
3650 | Keppel | Henrietta Henriëtte | 3 |
3651 | Keppel | Hermannus Dirk | 3 |
3652 | Keppel | Matheus | 3 |
3653 | Keppel | Naria | 3 |
3654 | Kerremans | Albertina | 3 |
3655 | Kerremans | Anna | 3 |
3656 | Kerremans | Anna Catharina | 3 |
3657 | Kerremans | Barbara | 3 |
3658 | Kerremans | Carolus Henricus | 3 |
3659 | Kerremans | Cornelius | 3 |
3660 | Kerremans | Egidius | 3 |
3661 | Kerremans | Jacoba | 3 |
3662 | Kerremans | Jacobus | 3 |
3663 | Kerremans | Joanna Catharina | 3 |
3664 | Kerremans | Joannes Franciscus | 3 |
3665 | Kerremans | Josephus | 3 |
3666 | Kerremans | Marcelius | 3 |
3667 | Kerremans | Maria | 3 |
3668 | Kerremans | Maria Julia | 3 |
3669 | Kerremans | Maria Virginia | 3 |
3670 | Kerremans | Petrus Jacobus | 3 |
3671 | Kerremans | Rumoldus | 3 |
3672 | Kerremans | Theresia | 3 |
3673 | Kerremans | Victor | 3 |
3674 | Kesper | Helena Catharina | 3 |
3675 | Kessiaen (Cessiaen) | Cornelia | 3 |
3676 | Ketelaars | Jan | 3 |
3677 | Keteleer | Nina | 3 |
3678 | Keteleer | Tom | 3 |
3679 | Ketjen | Elisabeth | 3 |
3680 | Ketjen | Gerhard Tieleman | 3 |
3681 | Ketjen | Gosuina Alida Rudolphina | 3 |
3682 | Ketjen | Hendrik Christiaan Willink | 3 |
3683 | Ketjen | Maria Magdalena | 3 |
3684 | Kiens | Godelieva | 3 |
3685 | Kinderman | Carl Heinrich | 3 |
3686 | Kindermann | Geertrui Wilhelmina Sophia | 3 |
3687 | Klaus | Martha | 3 |
3688 | Kleijn | Anna Elisabeth | 3 |
3689 | Kleijn | Leendert | 3 |
3690 | Kleijn | Lena Leenderts | 3 |
3691 | Klijn | Antoinetta Elizabeth | 3 |
3692 | Klijn | Hendrik Harmen | 3 |
3693 | Kloeck | Catharina | 3 |
3694 | Kloppert | Helena Jacoba Petronella | 3 |
3695 | Kluppel | Andries Jacob | 3 |
3696 | Kluppel | Wilhelmina Catharina | 3 |
3697 | Kneppelhout | Cornelius Joannis | 3 |
3698 | Kneppelhout | Karel Jan Frederik Cornelis | 3 |
3699 | Knuijse | Margaretha Johanna | 3 |
3700 | Knuijse de Meij | Leendert Petrus | 3 |
3701 | Knuijse de Meij | Louisa Johanna | 3 |
3702 | Knuijse de Meij | Lucile Agnes | 3 |
3703 | Knuijse de Meij | Maria Charlotta | 3 |
3704 | Kok | Anna | 3 |
3705 | Kolff | Anna Gertrude | 3 |
3706 | Kolff | Hermina Agnes | 3 |
3707 | KONIJNCK | Anne | 3 |
3708 | Koning | Aagje | 3 |
3709 | Koning | Jan | 3 |
3710 | Kooij | Hester | 3 |
3711 | Koolhaas | Agatha Anna | 3 |
3712 | Kooy | Joannes | 3 |
3713 | Kornelisze | Pieternella | 3 |
3714 | Krantz | Henri Justus | 3 |
3715 | Krayenhoff | Jacoba Maria | 3 |
3716 | Kremers | Enneken | 3 |
3717 | Krijbolder | Antonetta | 3 |
3718 | Krijbolder | Engelina | 3 |
3719 | Krijbolder | Francina Hendrika | 3 |
3720 | Krijbolder | Jacobus | 3 |
3721 | Krijbolder | Johanna Jacoba Antonetta | 3 |
3722 | Krols | Elke | 3 |
3723 | Kronacker | Isabelle | 3 |
3724 | Kronacker | Paul | 3 |
3725 | Kruck | Anna Maria | 3 |
3726 | Kruseman | Hendrik Lambertus | 3 |
3727 | Kuchlinus | Jacobus | 3 |
3728 | Kuchlinus | Maria Jacob | 3 |
3729 | Kuijk | Gijsbert Buitendijk | 3 |
3730 | Kuijk | Willem | 3 |
3731 | Kuiper | Esgo Taco | 3 |
3732 | Kumpshoff | Susanna Antonetta Sophia | 3 |
3733 | Kunzli | Arthur Anton Joseph | 3 |
3734 | Kup | Christina | 3 |
3735 | Kustermans | Alfons | 3 |
3736 | Kustermans | Caroline | 3 |
3737 | Kustermans | Nathalie | 3 |
3738 | Kustermans | Tom | 3 |
3739 | Kuyle | Joannes Baptiste | 3 |
3740 | la Spina | Alec | 3 |
3741 | la Spina | Ilan | 3 |
3742 | la Spina | Rino | 3 |
3743 | Labiau | Maria Thérésia | 3 |
3744 | Labiau | Pétrus | 3 |
3745 | Labouchère | Cornelie Jacqueline | 3 |
3746 | Lacot | Maria Godelieve | 3 |
3747 | Lacquet | Albert Maria Hendrik | 3 |
3748 | Lacquet | Elise Francoise Louise | 3 |
3749 | Lacquet | Henri | 3 |
3750 | Lacquet | Leon Leonard Benoit | 3 |
3751 | Lacquet | Ludovic | 3 |
3752 | Lacquet | Marie-Paule | 3 |
3753 | Ladage | Francisca | 3 |
3754 | Laden | Henri Charles Désiré | 3 |
3755 | Laden | Henri Louis Joseph | 3 |
3756 | Laden | Jules Edouard Joseph | 3 |
3757 | Laga | Martinus | 3 |
3758 | Lahaye | Jean | 3 |
3759 | Lahaye | Maria | 3 |
3760 | Laigneil | Eugenia Philomena | 3 |
3761 | Laman Trip | Scato | 3 |
3762 | Lamberts | Cornelia Willemina | 3 |
3763 | Lambrecht | Honore | 3 |
3764 | Lambrechts | Joanna | 3 |
3765 | Lambrechts | Joannes Baptista | 3 |
3766 | Lambrechts | Martinus | 3 |
3767 | Lambregts | Barbara | 3 |
3768 | Lambregts | Guilielmus | 3 |
3769 | Lambregts | Isabella | 3 |
3770 | Lambregts | Joannes Baptiste | 3 |
3771 | Lambregts | Laurentius | 3 |
3772 | Lambregts | Maria | 3 |
3773 | Lambregts | Martinus | 3 |
3774 | Lambregts de Mol | Joanna | 3 |
3775 | Lambrichts | Arnold | 3 |
3776 | Lamers | Johann Lambert Ludwig | 3 |
3777 | Lamers | Johanna Luise Frederice | 3 |
3778 | Landrij | Pierre Jean | 3 |
3779 | Landry | Geertruida Wilhelmina Sophia | 3 |
3780 | Landry | Pierre | 3 |
3781 | Langenberg | Martina | 3 |
3782 | Lannoo | Godfried Joseph Maria | 3 |
3783 | Lansloot | Elisabeth | 3 |
3784 | Lansloot | Jean Baptiste | 3 |
3785 | Lansloot | Maria Victoria | 3 |
3786 | Lansloot | Petrus Frans | 3 |
3787 | Lantsheer | Cornelia H. | 3 |
3788 | Lantsheer | Jacob Frederik | 3 |
3789 | Lantsheer | Joan Pieter | 3 |
3790 | Lantsheer | Johanna Clasina Petronella | 3 |
3791 | Lasters | Barbara | 3 |
3792 | Lateste | Anna Theresia | 3 |
3793 | Lateste | Augustinus | 3 |
3794 | Lateste | Cecilia Francisca | 3 |
3795 | Lateste | Cecilia Regina | 3 |
3796 | Lateste | Joannes Jacobus | 3 |
3797 | Lateste | Petrus Jacobus | 3 |
3798 | Lateste | Rosa | 3 |
3799 | Lathouwers | Anna | 3 |
3800 | Lathouwers | Christina | 3 |
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