
From Cornelis Drebbel
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Left.jpgItems on the left hand menu:

Cornelis Drebbel --- Cornelis Drebbel's biography in English (with a link to the version in Dutch)
Knowledge --- Main entrance page of this wiki
Portraits --- Slideshow of Drebbel's portraits
Dossiers --- Information about Drebbel grouped into dossiers: 10 about his innovations and 9 on diverse topics
Page Categories --- Apart from Dossiers, pages have also been grouped into categories for further refinement
Queries --- Queries offer the possibility to filter the information in terms of content, dates, language, location ...
Questions --- Although we know a lot about Cornelis Drebbel, a few questions remain to be solved.
Google Search --- Opportunity to apply a Google search on this knowledge base.
Drebbel.net --- Link to the simpler Drebbel.net umbrella
Contact us --- To submit questions or remarks concerning the Drebbel wiki
Webmaster --- About the webmaster of this site
about Media Wiki ...... .........................................................
User Manual-How? --- Explaining the way to approach this Wiki.
MediaWiki pages --- More about MediaWiki software and Wikis referring to Drebbel.net/wiki