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From Cornelis Drebbel
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Drebbel Knowledge Centre
a division of
Cornelis Drebbel was ...
Beschrijving van Drebbels oven. Thermometer en regulator. NEW

686 pages about Cornelis Drebbel
including talk pages, redirects, etc.

Featured items: 'How? ',  'Biography '  &  'Video '
--- 12 maart 2022: Drebbel's duikboot op TV ---
1604 Drebbel portret.jpg

This wiki is intended to collect knowledge about Cornelis Drebbel's life and works.

It covers his early life and family in Alkmaar, his etchings with Hendrick Goltzius in Haarlem, 
his contemporaries - famous people who influenced him or his remembrance. 
Furthermore most of his books and writings are now digitally accessible. 

Those interested in Drebbel's innovations should take a look at the Perpetuum Mobile,
the Submarine, the use of Oxygen, the Temperature regulator, Lenses, the Perfect Red dye,
the Thermometer, the Camera Obscura, Explosives ...

Many historians have studied Drebbel and many biographies and documents have been written about
him. Dr. Naber played a special role in Drebbel's rehabilitation through the 1st Drebbel Society.

An activity of Tweede Drebbel Genootschap / Second Drebbel Foundation
Amsterdam Netherlands
